Human Resources Translation
Whether you are an international or a local company and you have employees who don't speak English, Manethon for Translation Services is glad to offer you its services in the field of human resources. We offer accurate translation in this field as we don't allow a chance for translation mistakes in it to protect the companies and their employees. For example, to name a few of the many categories we translate in this field are the following:
Employee handbooks | Employment Applications | Newsletters | Workplace Safety Documents | Aptitude Tests | Codes of Conduct | Review forms | Leave Forms | Employment Contracts | HR Policies | Payslips, HR letters | CVs and letters.
Financial Translation
The financial sector is considered the core of life as it is what connects countries and their people with each other through trade, work, and all the financial aspects. That's why the financial sector always needs translation services. Based on this, Manethon for Translation Services is glad to offer it services in accurate financial translation to our esteemed clients by translators specialized in this field. For example, to name a few of the many categories we translate in this field, are the following:
Accounting Documents: Invoices | balance sheets | bankruptcy documents | tax and Auditors’ reports.
Financial Documents: Annual reports | Balance sheets | market surveys | financial statements | pension plans | stock market reports | investor information | business correspondence | commercial documents.
Insurance Documents: Accident reports | summary plan descriptions | investigation reports | enrollments forms and disclosure documents.

Marketing Translation
Manethon for Translation Services is completely aware about the hard effort exerted in marketing and advertising campaigns for the launching of businesses in local and international markets. This would mean translating those marketing and advertising campaigns for international clients to their mother tongue and coming into contact with their culture. This would help in the expansion of businesses and in earning the trust of many international clients. For that, Manethon for Translation Services is glad to be your support in reaching the international client through offering you accurate translation of your marketing and advertising content by professional translators who are specialists in this field. For example, to name a few of the many categories we translate in the marketing and advertising field is the following:
Brochures | Marketing Collateral | Customer Inquiry Forms | Auto-Responder Emails | Advertisements | Print | Magazine | Email Blasts | Business Cards | PR | Promotional Documents | Press kits | Flyers | Slogans | Logos | Market Research | Sales Materials | Digital Content | Company presentations | Customer letters and Invoices | New product announcement | Questionnaires | Surveys.
* We translate all Advertisings and PR – related materials.
Real Estate Translation
In the light of the huge development that the real estate sector is witnessing around the world, people search for different types of real estate that would satisfy their different needs. Some people would want to buy a real estate for relaxing on a sea island. Other people want to buy or rent companies to start their businesses in them. Some people would search for places to live in downtown where there is crowding and businesses. While other people search for places to live in the suburbs or quiet and classy places. That is why real estate companies depend on presenting their best marketing campaigns locally and internationally. This makes the real estate sector in need of translation services in order to communicate with its clients internationally. Of course, no translation mistakes should be present in this field. For that, Manethon for Translation Services offer accurate translation for its esteemed clients by professional translators who are specialized in this field to ensure ultimate quality in translation. For example, to name a number of the many categories that we offer translation services in are the following:
Real estate marketing and sales | Real estate investment documents | property management documents | brokerages and facilitation documents | appraisals and valuation services | corporate real estate documents | residential real estate documents.

Legal Translation
Legal translation is considered the most type of official translation services that is witnessing a quick increase in the international demand in the translation services field. Legal translation is different from other types of translation as its value is measured through the level of complete accuracy before looking to the desired meaning. Because of the importance of legal documents, there is no place for translation mistakes and mistakes are not tolerated at all in this field. That is why Manethon for Translation Services is keen to offer accurate legal translation to our esteemed clients through professional translators who are specialized only in legal translation. For example, we translate these legal fields but are not limited to, the following:
Contracts | Agreements | Meeting minutes | Birth/Death certificate | Marriage certificates | Trademark registration documents | patent documents | police reports | Licenses | court documents | criminal records | memorandum of understanding | verdicts and legal briefs | All legal related translation needs.
Medical & Pharmaceutical Translation
No one on Earth can live without the medical sector as it is an integral part of the lives of humans. Every country is even known with the medical specialty that it excels at. This is why each patient would head to the desired country for treatment based on his/her illness type. Also, we can say that the translation sector is an integral part of the medical sector and the patients as well. We are the bridge connecting between them so that the doctor could understand the patient's case and the patient could understand what the doctor is saying or what is written in medical reports. Without doubt, translation mistakes are not tolerated in this field as they could lead to serious consequences. For that, Manethon for translation services is keen to offer high-quality translation in all medical fields as our translators are professional, specialized in the medical field, and knowledgeable about all its terms. For example, we translate these medical categories but are not limited to the following:
Medical reports & records | documents about equipment & medical instruments | medical articles for publication in specialist magazines | clinical trials | patient education materials | hospitals forms | patient letters | medical consents and medical descriptions | Lab tests | Case studies | Health and safety reports | Accident reports | Clinical protocols | Data sheets | Investigator brochures | Informed consent forms (ICFs) | Package and labelling | Patient information | Pharmacological studies | Regulatory documents | Summaries of product characteristics (SPCs) | Patient information leaflets (PILs) | leaflets about medicines | Toxicology reports | Marketing communication texts | all medical & pharmaceutical - related translation needs.

Technical Translation
In the time of technical development and its presence in everything in our lives, it became an integral part of the human life in all aspects of life. For that, there is no place for mistakes in this sector in translation services. That is why Manethon for Translation Services offers accurate technical translation to its esteemed clients done by professional translators who are specialized in this field and knowledgeable about all its terms. For example, we translate all documents including, but not limited to, the following:
Mechanical & Electrical engineering | Product instructions & operating manuals | Machinery | Agricultural | Automotive.
Educational Translation
All countries always seek to develop their scientific curricula in schools and universities which would contribute in expanding the minds, perception, and horizons of their citizens as well as contribute to their intellectual and scientific development. That is why translation services is essential for the education sector as translating educational curricula each according to its language is considered crucial in this sector. For that, Manethon for Translation Services offers for its esteemed client accurate translation in the education sector by professional translators who are specialized in this field. For example, a few of the many categories that we offer translation in are the following:
- Certificates of study translation | Dissertations & Thesis Translation | Research Project Translation | Training material translation | Report writing translation | Textbook translation | Academic papers translation and Essay translation.
- Prospectuses | Education marketing material | Guide books | facilities overview | testing material and special educational programs.

Media Translation
Media in our modern world is considered from the strongest influential things on people worldwide as TVs, computers, and mobile phones became in the reach of everybody. This allowed all people to be able to access anyone of them very easily to be up to date with what happens around them nationally and internationally whether in the political or economic or sports or artistic or forecast or social fields. Since media has an effect on humans, it is its duty to transfer facts to the people. This is why there should be no translation mistakes in this sector because this would ultimately lead to the transfer of wrong concepts to other cultures. For that, Manethon for Translation Services seeks to offer specialized and accurate translation in this sector as well as to preserve the transfer of the content meaning from the source language to the target language to ensure there are no mistakes. The categories we offer translation in, to name a few, are the following:
News articles | TV & Radio reports | Press releases | corporate communications | All media and journalistic related translation needs.
Literature is a part of human culture. In all countries and cultures around the world, people depend on literature in order to give certain messages or to show their culture and history to other cultures. Nothing compares to the beauty of reading and getting to know through it the depth of human culture. However, there is a limit to what you could read if you only know one or two languages. Also, literature is heavily dependent on figurative speeches and literary devices which would be an obstacle in understanding if someone is not proficient enough in one language or the other besides his/her mother tongue. For that and to break these boundaries, Manethon for Translation Services offers accurate and enjoyable literary translation for your work to make it accessible to the whole world. This is done through professional and specialized translators in this field who would preserve the spirit of the original text while taking the utmost care in rendering the meanings of the figurative speech true to its original language. For example, to name a few of the categories we translate in the literary field are the following:
Novels | short stories | plays and book reviews | all literary related translation needs.

Travel and Tourism Translation
The travel and tourism sector is considered one of the most important sectors that need translation services. This is because this sector depends on the communication between people from all over the world connecting different cultures and as a result connecting different languages according to the language of each culture. That is why to fill the gap of different languages communicating together, travel and tourism companies, hotels, and everyone working in this field need translation services to connect people with each other each according to his/her language. For that, Manethon for Translation Services offers all its services to this sector. For example, these are some categories that we translate for the travel and tourism sector but are not limited to the following:
Airport & transportation documents | Travel documents | Airlines industry information | International Air law | Travel information | Tour guides | Marketing brochures | Proposals | Guide books| Letters | Hospitality business documents | Airline document | Passenger communication material | passenger instructional video translation | instructional Audio recording translation | terms and condition documents | All travel and transportation – related translation needs.

Food & Beverages Translation
Food and beverages sector is considered from the most important sectors internationally as people can't live without their daily sustenance. Also food changes according to the culture of each country, as there is the Eastern, Italian, French, and Western cuisines and many more which is why complete care should be taken in translating menus, ingredients written on food and beverages, and recipes for preparing food. This is done so that each human being would be able to know what he/she is going to eat whether while trying new food and wanting to know its content or buying food products and wanting to know the ingredients written on these products. There are people who follow a healthy lifestyle, or who are sick, or who have food allergies from certain kinds of food so they must know what they are going to eat or drink. This is especially true to preserve the reputation of restaurants, cafes, and companies which work in this sector as the presence of translation mistakes for them whether in menus or in products' descriptions would make them lose their credibility for the consumers. That is why complete and utmost care should be taken in translating all that is related with this sector as translation mistakes can't be tolerated here. For that, Manethon for Translation Services offers for its esteemed clients accurate translation in this sector as it has specialized translators in this field who have complete knowledge about all food and beverages terms. For example, we offer translation services in these categories but are not limited to the following:
Recipes | product labels | packaging | menus | nutritional facts | All food and beverages translation needs.
Beauty and Cosmetics Translation
Which one of us doesn't like beauty and taking care of one's self? Even previous civilizations cared about beauty tools and showing one's self in one's best image possible. With the passage of time and the development the world is witnessing, the star of beauty tools sector is shining brightly as it has been in each previous time. It is the only sector where no racism occurs as all races gather in this sector. There is no one in all races that doesn’t like beauty, beautifying and taking care of one's self. This is why you would find each race putting their mark in showing their beauty aspects according to each of their cultures. This makes this field in need of translation services to transfer beauty products to all areas in the world so translation mistakes are not tolerated in it. For that, Manethon for Translation Services offers accurate translation for its esteemed clients by specialized translators in this field who have complete knowledge of its terms. For example, to name a few of the many categories we offer translation services in are the following:
Product development | Cosmetics production | Cosmetic product regulations | Promotion | Advertising | All beauty and cosmetics related materials.

Fashion Translation
Fashion sector is one of the most important sectors that people can't live without, with all the different styles they have. It is a unique point of view of every individual to choose what to wear at work or in parties or in social and official occasions or even at home with our dear ones. Fashion gives self-confidence and it reflects cultures of people as well. That is why always people from all over the world aspire to wear the latest in the fashion world. This is the reason the fashion sector needs translation services to communicate with all cultures and to promote what is important to the customers all over the world. For that, Manethon for Translation Services is glad to offer to its esteemed clients accurate translation in this field by specialized translators in this sector who have complete knowledge about its terms. For example, these are some of the many categories we offer translation services in this field including the following:
Product descriptions | blog posts | magazine articles | trend books | websites | All fashion related translation needs.
Website content Translation
Websites are considered a main aspect in marketing for all sectors without exceptions. That is why most sectors seek to translate their websites to many languages to reach the international customers and not only the national ones. This would lead them to have many more customers which would cause an increase in their profits as a result of international expansion. For that, and for the sake of helping our esteemed clients reach these targets, we offer accurate translation for their websites. This would make the websites appear in their best form in the target language for the customers to understand the website content in their own language.